A Timeline of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform

A Timeline of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform

LCIPP family photo


  • 3-14 December
    • In accordance with decision 2/CP.23, negotiations will continue to establish a facilitative working group and modalities for development of the workplan;
    • “Requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice to consider at its forty-eighth session (April–May 2018) the further operationalization of the platform, including the establishment of a facilitative working group, which would not be a negotiating body under the Convention, and the modalities for the development of a workplan for the full implementation of the functions referred to in paragraph 6 above, with balanced representation of local communities and indigenous peoples and Parties, and to conclude its considerations by making recommendations to the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-fourth session (December 2018);”
  • 1 May
  • 6-15 November (SBSTA47/COP23)
    • Decision 2/CP.23 on the overall purpose of the Platform;
    • “Decides that the overall purposes of the platform will be to strengthen the knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change, to facilitate the exchange of experience and the sharing of best practices and lessons learned related to mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner and to enhance the engagement of local communities and indigenous peoples in the UNFCCC process;”Also decides the overall functions and steps to further operationalize the Platform, see Decision 2/CP.23 and
  • 16-17 May
  • 31 March
    • Submissions from parties and non-parties on their views of the Platform in accordance with COP 22 report paragraph 167(c);
    • “Invited Parties and other stakeholders to submit, by 31 March 2017, their views on the purpose, content and structure of the platform in order to inform the multi-stakeholder dialogue and request the secretariat to prepare a report on the dialogue, which should also draw on the submissions;”
    • Views on the purpose, content and structure of the platform, visit here and search for "local communities and indigenous peoples' platform."
  • 7-18 November (COP22)
    • COP 22 report paragraph 167;
    • “(a) Agreed to adopt an incremental approach to developing the local communities and indigenous peoples platform with a view to ensuring its effective operationalization;
    • (b) Requested the Chair of the SBSTA to initiate the process to develop the local communities and indigenous peoples platform, which will include convening an open multi-stakeholder dialogue on the operationalization of the platform in conjunction with SBSTA 46 and SBI 46 to be co-moderated by the Chair of the SBSTA and a representative of indigenous peoples organizations;
    • (c) Invited Parties and other stakeholders to submit, by 31 March 2017, their views on the purpose, content and structure of the platform in order to inform the multistakeholder dialogue and request the secretariat to prepare a report on the dialogue, which should also draw on the submissions;
    • (d) Requested the SBSTA to consider the report in conjunction with SBSTA 47 and SBI 47 under a new agenda item, “Local communities and indigenous peoples’ platform”, and conclude its consideration at SBSTA 47 by forwarding recommendations for operationalization of the platform to COP 23.”
  • 30 November - 12 December
    • Decision 1/CP.21 paragraph 135
    • “Recognizes the need to strengthen knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change, and establishes a platform for the exchange of experiences and sharing of best practices on mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner;”