For further information contact the LCIPP team via lcipp@unfccc.int
Decision 16/CP.26 requested “the Facilitative Working Group (FWG) to report on its outcomes, including a draft third three-year workplan of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform(LCIPP), and the activities under the Platform for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-ninth session (November 2024) through the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice at its sixtieth session (June 2024).”
At its 10th meeting, the FWG adopted a draft timeline and outline for the FWG report, and a draft overall outline and key considerations for the LCIPP workplan 2025-27.
The FWG also decided to:
Use as inputs information shared from the small group discussions in its 9th and 10th meetings.
Hold virtual informal contributors’ dialogue to share updates and receive further Inputs.
Convene an intersessional virtual or in-person meeting by the end of January 2024, subject to the availability of resources, to discuss and finalize both documents.
The FWG has convened a series of informal virtual meetings between 22 January and 15 February to prepare its report, including a third three-year work plan of the LCIPP.
FWG Members are also preparing to dialogue directly with their respective socio-cultural regions.
This virtual informal briefing aims to engage the LCIPP contributors by:
Briefing them on the draft FWG report and the draft LCIPP workplan.
Gathering further inputs, specifically related to testimonials and case stories, from local communities and Indigenous Peoples on holistic and integrated approaches to climate change mitigation and adaption.
Updating on the planned activities and events for 2024.
Date, Time and Location
The virtual informal contributors briefing will take place in two sessions, to enable wider participation across different time zones:
Session 1: 20 February; 9:00 - 10:30 am CET
Session 2: 21 February; 5:00 - 6:30 pm CET (Interpretation: Spanish)
Please register here to join the Session 2 (Zoom).
Overview and objectives of the session
by FWG co-chair(s)
Overview of the draft FWG report and LCIPP Workplan 2025-2027
by FWG member(s)
Interactive session (Mentimeter) to provide inputs to case stories or quotes
All LCIPP contributors
Next steps, upcoming activities in 2024 and closing
by FWG co-chairs
Additional QnA