Biregional gathering of the Local People Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform

group picture from N'Djamena
Regional gathering
Radisson Blu , N’Djamena, Chad
Africa; Asia

For further information contact the LCIPP team via

The Asia and Africa biregional gathering of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) took place between 13 and 15 of October 2022. This is the first of a series gatherings as part of the LCIPP second three-year workplan (decision 16/CP.26).

The purpose of the biregional gathering includes:

1. To exchange experiences and good practices that identify and address climate impacts on ecosystems and livelihoods in a regional or bi-regional context, and elevate inclusive and equitable partnership between indigenous peoples, local communities, Parties and other entities to address climate change globally;

2. To bring together indigenous practices and local community-led initiatives related to strategies and techniques for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building climate resilience;

3. To share the outputs from the regional/bi-regional gathering with Parties to the UNFCCC as well as other relevant contributors.

07:30 - 09:00
  • Registration and badge pick up
09:00 - 10:30

Opening session

Facilitated by Ms. Aissatou Oumarou Ibrahim

  • Cultural performance
  • Opening prayer and welcome remark by Elder from Chad
  • Remarks by Ms. Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Co-lead of LCIPP biregional gathering in Chad    
  • Remarks by Dr. Pasang Dolma Sherpa, Co-lead of LCIPP biregional gathering in Chad
  • Remark by Dr. Koko Warner, UNFCCC secretariat
  • Cultural performance
  • Welcome remarks by Chad officials   
  • Group photo
10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 12:00

Session II: Organizational matters

Facilitated by Ms. Edna Kaptoyo, a member of the Facilitative Working Group of the LCIPP, representing indigenous peoples organizations from the UN indigenous sociocultural region: Africa

  • Housekeeping
  • Overview of the biregional gathering by Ms. Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim
  • Objectives and expected outcomes by Dr. Pasang Dolma Sherpa


12:00 - 13:00

Introduction of the participants through interactive activity to meet and greet each other

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