For further information contact the LCIPP team via lcipp@unfccc.int
Advancing the engagement of Indigenous youth and youth from local communities in climate policies and actions
Activity 8 of the 2nd three-year work plan of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) focuses on the role of Indigenous youth and youth from local communities, and specific ways to advance the engagement of youth in designing and implementing climate policies and actions at all levels, including the UNFCCC process, such as at COP 29.
The deliverables of Activity 8 include:
Knowledge-gathering devoted to intergenerational knowledge-sharing, intergenerational equity, strengthening relevant practices on the ground, and enhancing youth engagement in climate policy development and implementation at all levels with a view to developing recommendations on how to enhance the leadership of Indigenous youth and youth from local communities.
Recommendations from Indigenous youth participants and youth participants from local communities, ensuring gender and sociocultural balance, on the promotion of their participation in the activities of the FWG, as well as opportunities to enhance knowledge-sharing, capacity building, and policy for integration under the UNFCCC process.
In preparation for COP29, FWG co-leads for activity 8 conducted informal consultations with Indigenous youth and youth from local communities. These informal consultations (Session 1 and Session 2) gathered inputs from participants from different regions on effective ways of designing the annual youth round table at COP29. Youth from all UN Indigenous sociocultural regions provided valuable insights on thematic topics for discussions during the roundtable, format of the roundtable and proposed strategies for the FWG to disseminate key messages from the round table. These inputs have been incorporated to inform the overall structure and focus of the annual youth round table at COP 29.
Thematic Focus
The thematic focus for this year’s gathering is on advancing the engagement of Indigenous youth and youth from local communities in climate policies and actions.
The LCIPP annual gathering will be designed to feature two sessions. This event regards Part I:
Part I: Exchange amongst Indigenous youth and youth from local communities Cross-regional knowledge-sharing between Indigenous youth and youth from local communities.
Dissemination of outcomes and key messages
The key messages and recommendations from Part I of the discussions will be presented to Parties, constituted body members and other stakeholders during the Part II of the roundtable. An event report, containing these key messages and recommendations will also be published after COP 29.
Additionally, the FWG is considering several other channels for dissemination of these messages, based on suggestions from informal youth consultations, mentioned above. These include:
Inputs through participation in events at COP 29: Actively engaging and participating in relevant events during COP 29, including youth-led events, presidency events, amongst others to present key messages and recommendations.
Digital and social media campaigns: Utilizing platforms social media channels to share communication materials with a broader range of audience 3.
Collaborating with youth organizations: Engaging with youth organizations and youth groups across the UN Indigenous sociocultural regions to amplify the key messages and extend the outreach.
Opening Indigenous Invocation by Pepyaká Krikati (Krikati Indigenous People)
Brief presentation on LCIPP and FWG, including upcoming opportunities by Activity 8 Co-Leads, Facilitative Working Group of the LCIPP
Small Group Discussions
To emphasize actionable solutions, Indigenous youth and youth from local communities are invited to engage in a dynamic discussion on the following topics in regional breakout sessions. These discussions, and their recommendations, will be summarized, contributing to climate policies and actions at the national and international levels.
Discussion questions: What insights and recommendations do you have for the following questions?
- Drawing upon the spiritual knowledge, practices and traditional knowledge of your Peoples and communities, could you share examples or stories of how Indigenous youth and youth from local communities are addressing climate change impacts? Are there examples of solutions related to health and mental well-being that you’d like to highlight?
- Could you share some youth led solutions from your region or communities? Are there any examples in the areas of agriculture, food security, and sustainable development that you could share?
- What should the FWG / UNFCCC do to uplift the leadership of Indigenous youth and youth from local communities in climate policy development and implementation? Is there specific guidance needed at the national level? If so, what ?
Indigenous youth from each region contributes to and moderates the regional breakout group discussions:
- Skw’akw’as (Sunshine) Dunstan-Moore (North America)
- Joe Baxter Bernard (Asia)
- Daisy Chepkopus (Africa)
- Samuel Womsiwor (The Pacific)
- Maria Michurova (Central and Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia)
- Janne Kalervo Hirvasvuopio (The Arctic)
- Maria Jose Andrade Cerda (Central and South America, and the Caribbean)
Report back from the small group discussions
Presented by respective moderators of the regional breakout groups as mentioned above
Contributing to the next workplan of the LCIPP
The report of the FWG of the LCIPP also contains a draft workplan of the Platform, for 2025–2027 (see Annex I of the report here). If COP 29 adopts the decisions recommended by SBSTA 60, the FWG will implement a new workplan for 2025.
Under the new workplan, Collective Approach 3 refers to the organization of an annual round table guided by the seventh-generation principle. This roundtable will promote intergenerational dialogue and highlight the role of Indigenous youth and youth from local communities in the collective well-being of future generations.
Under this segment, Indigenous youth and youth from local communities are invited to provide
- Recommendations on how the FWG could enhance youth engagement through the new workplan of the LCIPP
- Suggestions for the design of the annual round table guided by the seventh-generation principle at COP 30
Youth engagement opportunities at COP 29
- Brief by UNFCCC Secretariat
- Brief by Indigenous Peoples Constituency (also known as the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change)
Summary of next steps and Part II (Open Dialogue) of the LCIPP Youth Round Table by Activity 8 co-leads