For further information contact the LCIPP team via lcipp@unfccc.int
Workshop for Parties and Constituted Bodies: Transforming climate action through engaging Indigenous Peoples and local communities
Indigenous Peoples and local communities have distinct values, knowledge systems, worldviews, and traditional practices which contribute to the global collective efforts to address climate change and build resilience for all. The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC has emphasized the important role of Indigenous Peoples' and local communities' culture and knowledge in effective action on climate change. The COP has urged Parties to actively involve them in designing and implementing climate action. At the same time, Indigenous Peoples and local communities also face disproportionate impacts of climate change due to their direct dependence on ecosystems for meeting basic needs (IPCC, 2022). Despite their crucial role, a significant gap remains in the participation and contributions of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in climate policymaking processes. As a result, it is important to build the capacity of Parties, constituted bodies, and other relevant stakeholders to engage with the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) and with local communities and Indigenous Peoples, including in the context of the implementation of the Paris Agreement and other climate change related processes.
This capacity building training workshop, part of the LCIPP second three-year workplan activity 5, aims to:
- Enhance the capacity of Parties, UNFCCC constituted bodies, and other stakeholders to strengthen the human-rights-based engagement of Indigenous Peoples and engagement of local communities in national, regional, and global climate policymaking, as well as in the work of relevant bodies and processes under and outside the Convention related to assessing and responding to climate change.
- Bring together indigenous and local knowledge holders and representatives to directly deliver training in best-practice methods of engagement.
- Promote among stakeholders an understanding of the LCIPP and its functions to strengthen climate action by integrating diverse values and knowledge systems in the design and implementation of climate policies and actions.
- Update and take stock of existing policies, actions, protocols, guidelines, and communications related to the engagement of Parties, stakeholders interested in the inclusion of the knowledge and practices of the indigenous peoples and local communities.
You can follow the meeting using the webcast link here: https://unfccc.int/event/annual-training-workshop-for-parties-and-constituted-bodies-transforming-climate-action-through
- Welcome remarks
- Interactive session (Menti)
- Key note interventions
- Indigenous values and knowledge systems for transformative climate actions
- Applying the values and knowledge systems of indigenous peoples and local knowledge systems in climate policy-making processes at all levels
- World cafe style discussions moderated by:
- Members of relevant constituted bodies seeking inputs from knowledge holders, including Paris Committee on Capacity Building, Technology Executive Committee
- Party representatives to engage knowledge holders in national climate policy-making process
- Representatives of relevant bodies and processes outside of the Convention
- World cafe style discussions moderated by:
- Interactive session (Menti)
- Ways to effectively engage with indigenous knowledge holders and representatives from local communities at national, regional, and global climate policymaking, including sectoral policies
- Interactive session (Menti)
- Engage with the work under the LCIPP
- Closing
- Indigenous invocation