For further information contact the LCIPP team via lcipp@unfccc.int
The Asia and Africa biregional gathering of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) took place between 13 and 15 of October 2022. This is the first of a series gatherings as part of the LCIPP second three-year workplan (decision 16/CP.26).
The purpose of the biregional gathering includes:
1. To exchange experiences and good practices that identify and address climate impacts on ecosystems and livelihoods in a regional or bi-regional context, and elevate inclusive and equitable partnership between indigenous peoples, local communities, Parties and other entities to address climate change globally;
2. To bring together indigenous practices and local community-led initiatives related to strategies and techniques for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building climate resilience;
3. To share the outputs from the regional/bi-regional gathering with Parties to the UNFCCC as well as other relevant contributors.
- Registration and badge pick up
Opening session
Facilitated by Ms. Aissatou Oumarou Ibrahim
- Cultural performance
- Opening prayer and welcome remark by Elder from Chad
- Remarks by Ms. Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Co-lead of LCIPP biregional gathering in Chad
- Remarks by Dr. Pasang Dolma Sherpa, Co-lead of LCIPP biregional gathering in Chad
- Remark by Dr. Koko Warner, UNFCCC secretariat
- Cultural performance
- Welcome remarks by Chad officials
- Group photo
Coffee break
Session II: Organizational matters
Facilitated by Ms. Edna Kaptoyo, a member of the Facilitative Working Group of the LCIPP, representing indigenous peoples organizations from the UN indigenous sociocultural region: Africa
- Housekeeping
- Overview of the biregional gathering by Ms. Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim
- Objectives and expected outcomes by Dr. Pasang Dolma Sherpa
Introduction of the participants through interactive activity to meet and greet each other