For further information contact the LCIPP team via lcipp@unfccc.int
Background and Objectives
Activity 8 of the 2nd three-year work plan of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) focuses on the role of Indigenous youth and youth from local communities, and specific ways to advance the engagement of youth in designing and implementing climate policies and actions at all levels, including the UNFCCC process, such as at COP 29.
The deliverables of Activity 8 include:
Knowledge-gathering devoted to intergenerational knowledge-sharing, intergenerational equity, strengthening relevant practices on the ground, and enhancing youth engagement in climate policy development and implementation at all levels with a view to developing recommendations on how to enhance the leadership of Indigenous youth and youth from local communities.
Recommendations from Indigenous youth participants and youth participants from local communities, ensuring gender and sociocultural balance, on the promotion of their participation in the activities of the FWG, as well as opportunities to enhance knowledge-sharing, capacity-building, and policy for integration under the UNFCCC process.
In preparation for COP29, FWG co-leads for activity 8 conducted informal consultations with Indigenous youth and youth from local communities. These informal consultations (Session 1 and Session 2) gathered inputs from participants from different regions on effective ways of designing the annual youth round table at COP29. Youth from all UN Indigenous sociocultural regions provided valuable insights on thematic topics for discussions during the roundtable, the format of the roundtable proposed strategies for the FWG to disseminate key messages from the roundtable. These inputs have been incorporated to inform the overall structure and focus of the annual youth round table at COP29.
Opening and Scene Setting
- Remarks by Ms. Leyla Hasanova (COP 29 Presidency Youth Climate Champion)
- Brief overview on the outcomes from Part I of the dialogue
Perspectives of Indigenous youth and youth from local communities
Regional perspectives on strengthening engagement of youth in climate policy development and implementation and to improve the inclusion of solutions from Indigenous youth and youth from local communities in areas of work under the UNFCCC and in national climate policies and actions.
Intervention from the regions
1. Skw’akw’as (Sunshine) Dunstan-Moore (North America)
2. Joe Baxter Bernard (Asia)
3. Daisy Chepkopus (Africa)
4. Samuel Womsiwor (The Pacific)
5. Maria Michurova (Central and Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia)
6. Janne Kalervo Hirvasvuopio (The Arctic)
7. Maria Jose Andrade Cerda (Central and South America, and the Caribbean)
Questions and Responses from Parties and Constituted Bodies
How are Parties and Constituted Bodies ethically and equitably engaging with Indigenous youth and youth from local communities within the UNFCCC processes and national climate policy? How can this be further strengthened?
- Representative from Parties
- Constituted Bodies’ Representatives
- Other youth representatives
Parties are particularly encouraged to contribute to the discussions after the first round of reflections from contributors
Closing invocation by Per Olof Nutti (The Arctic)