The Facilitative Working Group

The Facilitative Working Group

FWG members (June 2022 - May 2025)

Facilitative Working Group (FWG) of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) is a constituted body that was established at COP 24 in Katowice, December 2018.

The body was established to further operationalize the LCIPP and facilitate the implementation of its three functions related to knowledge, capacity for engagement, and climate change policies and actions (see decision 2/CP.23, paragraph 6 for more detail on the functions). In so doing, the FWG collaborates with other bodies under and outside the Convention, as appropriate, to enhance the coherence of the actions of the Platform under the Convention. The UNFCCC secretariat supports and facilitates the work of the body.

FWG is comprised of 14 representatives, half of which are representatives of Parties, and half of which are representatives from indigenous peoples organizations. The addition of three representatives of local communities and three additional Party representatives will be considered in 2021, as part of a broader review. More information on the "membership" is available here.

The body meets twice per year in conjunction with the sessions of the subsidiary bodies and the session of the Conference of the Parties. FWG proposed an initial two-year workplan for the period 2020–2021 for implementing the functions of the Platform.

The second three-year workplan for the period of 2022-2024 was proposed by FWG and was subsequently welcomed by Parties at COP 26 in Glasgow in November 2021. Further information on the work plan activities can be found here.

Furthermore, in Glasgow, the COP decided that the next review of the Facilitative Working Group will be held in 2024, including consideration of the request in decision 2/CP.24, paragraph 4, with a view to the Conference of the Parties adopting a decision on the review at its twenty-ninth session. The COP also requested the Facilitative Working Group to invite Parties, Indigenous Peoples and local communities and other stakeholders to make submissions by the 10th meeting of the Facilitative Working Group (November–December 2023) on the review. Submissions from Parties, admitted NGOs and other entities, can be seen here