LCIPP Third Annual Gathering of Knowledge Holders - Dialogue with Parties and other stakeholders

Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Representatives at COP 27
Blue Zone, Al Gahfat, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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For further information contact the LCIPP team via


Activity 1, under the second three-year workplan of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP), is mandated to “organize annual meetings in conjunction with the sessions of the COP, with the participation of Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous knowledge holders , to expand and enhance inclusion of traditional knowledge, knowledge of Indigenous Peoples and local knowledge systems in addressing and responding to climate change, consistently with rights-based international safeguards and Indigenous Peoples’ cultural protocols”. 

This activity falls under LCIPP’s knowledge function to “promote the exchange of experience and best practices with a view to applying, strengthening, protecting and preserving traditional knowledge, knowledge of Indigenous Peoples and local knowledge systems, as well as technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and Indigenous Peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change, taking into account the free, prior and informed consent of the holders of such knowledge, innovations, and practices”. 

Annual gatherings of the LCIPP bring together knowledge holders to share and promote adaptation actions that are based on and guided by the best available science, including traditional knowledge, knowledge of Indigenous Peoples, and local knowledge systems in accordance with Article 7 of the Paris Agreement. 


The annual gathering of knowledge holders will:

  • Expand and enhance the inclusion of diverse knowledge systems in the design and implementation of climate policies and actions under and outside the Convention, through the direct participation of Indigenous knowledge holders, and local knowledge systems; 
  • Build the engagement of Indigenous youth, women, children, persons with disabilities, and local communities in all levels and aspects of climate policies and actions in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build climate resilience;
  • Facilitate intergenerational knowledge sharing between Indigenous and local knowledge holders from across the seven UN socio-cultural regions.
  • Be of benefit to Parties, UN bodies, and other relevant stakeholders by sharing good practices of local communities, and practices, perspectives, and rights of Indigenous Peoples. This includes practices in climate knowledge syntheses which include Indigenous, traditional, and local knowledge systems with FPIC. The annual gathering will also enable sharing of good practices and guidance to inform climate policies and actions]
  • Be of benefit to knowledge holders through intergenerational and inter-regional knowledge sharing during the first part of the meeting, while utilizing the second part of the meeting to share best practices for the inclusion of Indigenous knowledge and local knowledge systems in addressing and responding to climate change

Thematic Focus: The thematic focus for this year’s gathering will be Water -Energy -Food Nexus


The LCIPP annual gathering will be designed to feature two sessions:

  • Part II: Dialogue with Parties and other stakeholders

    The second part of the gathering will feature participation by knowledge holders from each of the UN Indigenous socio-cultural regions, local communities, Party representatives, international organizations, constituted bodies under the Convention, and scientific bodies. In this segment of the gathering, the knowledge holders will present knowledge-based observations and recommendations, and proposals for integrating this knowledge into climate action and policies.

13:00 - 13:15


  • Welcome remarks, objectives of Activity 1 and significance for Parties and other stakeholders
  • Opening remarks
13:15 - 14:45

Dialogue and discussion

Perspectives of Indigenous knowledge holders on outcomes of discussions from Part I


Questions and responses from Parties and constituted bodies to the below framing question:

How can Parties and Constituted Bodies integrate the outcomes from the roundtables in their deliberations under the UNFCCC processes and in framing the national climate policy?

14:45 - 15:00


  • Summary of discussions, next steps and closing
  • Closing invocation
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