Achievements of the Facilitative Working Group of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform 2020-21

FWG Members at COP 26
Scottish Event Campus (SEC), Clyde Auditorium , Glasgow , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
All Regions
Knowledge; Capacity for Engagement

Side event held in the Strangford Lough, Zone C in the SEC COP26 venue. 

For further information contact the LCIPP team via

Location: Strangford Lough, Zone C in the Scottish Event Campus

In Glasgow, the SBSTA will review the outcomes and activities of the Facilitative Working Group and make recommendations to the Conference of the Parties. In the context of that review, this side event will showcase milestones and achievements in the initial two-year workplan of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform. 

Between 2020-2021, the Facilitative Working Group has implemented the LCIPP initial two-year workplan. The side event at COP26 will highlight how activities of the workplan have facilitated exchange between Parties, and indigenous peoples and local communities about experiences with mitigation and adaptation. The FWG has also enhanced engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities with the work of other constituted bodies as well as with organizations outside the Convention. 


Today, there is a need to support human societies to further recognize the full value of nature, including the essential services provided by ecosystems and biomes for social and economic well-being. The knowledge and positive values of indigenous peoples and local communities can contribute to social understanding of ways to regenerate and steward nature. Through work under the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform, Parties and stakeholders are enhancing climate action and ambition for long-term health and wellbeing of people as well as the planet. 

This side event at COP26 will: 

  • Raise awareness about the functions of the LCIPP: knowledge, capacity for engagement, and climate change policies and actions; 
  • Highlight achievements and good practices of the work done by the FWG under the initial two-year workplan, as well as the challenges faced, and the opportunities for future work to foster exchange of experiences on adaptation and mitigation;
  • Allow Parties to interact with contributors about the work of the FWG.
11:30 - 11:40


  •  Indigenous invocation 
  • Overview of the LCIPP, secretariat
  • A Party delegate or Party FWG member will talk about how the key achievements of the LCIPP initial two-year workplan supported the implementation of the three functions of the LCIPP, Tom Cameron
11:40 - 12:15

Highlights of work under the LCIPP initial two-year workplan and work of the FWG 

  • Discussion about implementation of the LCIPP functions through workplan activities, moderated by Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, FWG co-chair 
    • Knowledge: LCIPP dedicated web portal, exchanging and strengthening indigenous and local knowledge systems 
    • Capacity for Engagement: Strengthening local resilience through activities under the LCIPP initial two-year workplan 
    • Climate policy and action 
  • Discussion with audience
12:15 - 12:40

Engagement across the UNFCCC process

  • Discussion with audience members, including Parties and constituted bodies
12:40 - 12:45


  • Indigenous invocation
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Knowledge; Capacity for Engagement; Climate Change Policies and Actions